Query Generation Module
A query generation module is responsible for generating SPARQL queries based on the outputs of preceding two modules, a template generation and a disambiguation modules.
Example query: How many students does the Free University in Amsterdam have? one pseudo query (from the output of template generation) one set of disambiguation (from the output of disambiguation)
"query": "SELECT ?v2 WHERE { ?v1 ?p1 ?v2 . }",
{"s":"v1", "p":"a", "o":"owl:NamedIndividual"},
{"s":"v1", "p":"verbalization", "o":"owl:NamedIndividual"},
{"s" "var": "v1", "form": "Free University in Amsterdam", "annotation": },
{"var": "p1", "form": "students", "annotation": "owl:DatatypeProperty" }
"score": 0.5
"entities": [
"var": "v1",
"value": "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Free_University_of_Berlin",
"type": "DBpedia:University",
"score": 0.3
"properties": [
"var": "p1",
"value": "http://dbpedia.org/property/students",
"score": 0.7
list of SPARQL queries
{"query":"SELECT ...", "score":0.5},